Best of 2014

It’s a tradition, a Holiday Tradition even, so it cannot be skipped, questioned or abandoned. Yes, I’m talking about the annual ‘best of list‘ and here it is:

Music: So many great albums this year! YOUNG FATHERS, JUNGLE, FUTURE ISLANDS, BECK, TWEEDY, NENEH CHERRY, FKA TWIGS, SYLVAN ESSO, … The list goes on. There was one album that stood out though, BLACK ATLASS – Young Bloods. Fire up your music streaming service of choice and make sure to listen with headphones not through that crappy speaker on your cell phone.

Movie: Fiction > Her – SPIKE JONZE.
Non-Fiction >  Somm – JASON WISE.

Book: Fiction > Absurdistan – GARY SHTEYNGART. It was a little meh actually, but I didn’t read anything that blew me away this year.
Non-Fiction > Long Way Round – EWAN McGREGOR and CHARLEY BOORMAN.

App: Spotify.

Website: The Verge. I love how The Verge has started to look beyond technology news and has become a great example of what internet journalism can (and should?) look like. I’m excited to see them broaden their horizon even further and diving deeper into Editorial Design in 2015. I have high hopes for the work Jason Santa Maria will be doing for them.

TV: Fiction > Boardwalk Empire (HBO).
Non-Fiction > The only non-fiction TV I watch these days are online clips and outtakes of late night shows and political satire (Jimmy Fallon, John Stewart, Bill Maher, John Oliver, …) so I guess I’ll just lump all of this together and declare those shows the winners of the non-fiction TV category. Now, where are the women in this industry? Can we see a little more balance please?

Last year no one shared their ‘best of’ in the comments. My dearest reader, that’s not acceptable. Please reciprocate, it’s not that hard, at least list your favorite album of the year, I’m sure you have one.

“Vermont’s largest city has a new success to add to its list of socially conscious achievements: 100 percent of its electricity now comes from renewable sources such as wind, water and biomass.”

Via: ABC News